Laptop coolers are something that can be used to lower the internal temperature of the computer. It's important because they will lower the heat of the inside of the unit as well as help the computer last quite a bit longer. There are two different types of coolers.
The first type of cooler will plug in to an outlet for it's power. What this does is generally have fans that are a bit stronger since it's coming from it's own power source. The problem with this type of cooler is that it's not very portable. You will need an outlet to run these meaning that it's difficult to really use your laptop as you wish.
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The USB laptop cooler can be powered by a USB port on your machine. The battery will be the power source for the unit which is more than enough power to cool down the computer. This means that one can use the pad portably unlike with one that needs external power. The only issue is remembering to not bump the plugging in port which at times can ruin a USB port with enough force.
Some cooling pads come with an adapter that will let you plug the USB port into a socket that plugs into a wall. This gives the best of both worlds since you have the option of powering the unit without using any of the ports if this is something you want to do.
If you laptop is running a bit hot, be sure to get some sort of cooling pad as it will make it last quite a bit longer as a relatively cheap cost.
Why a USB Laptop Cooler is the Better Cooling Padbelkin wireless n router
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