December 27, 2011

What's New With Linksys E-4200 Dual Band Gigabit Router?

Linksys E-4200 N750 Wireless N dual band simultaneous gigabit router is the new router introduced in Jan 2011 - the first router introduced by Linksys with N750 technology.

Linksys E-4200 N750 is powered by the newest wireless 802.11n technology with dual band simultaneous supports and it is compatible with the 802.11b/g legacy clients. If you still have some computers with legacy Wi-Fi 802.11b or g, they are still compatible with the router but with maximum speeds your clients can connect.

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High Speeds

The main unlikeness between the old Linksys E-3000 and Linksys E-4200 is the speed specs. The maximum speeds for E-3000 is 300Mbps theoretically for either 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz bands which is ordinarily known as the N600 router. While the Linksys E-4200 speed is 300Mbps for 2.4Ghz band and 450Mbps for 5Ghz band - this is ordinarily known as N750 routers.

The router includes full 3x3 Mimo antenna array for maximum range and reliability. With the high speeds of up to 450Mbps (for 5Ghz band) and the longer distance range coverage and with the increasing of QoS feature, the router provides maximum high operation wireless environment for high speed Hd media streaming and plane and fast response gaming experiences. QoS (Quality of Service) technology is the ability of the router to furnish the traffic prioritization for gaming and streaming over other data traffic.

Netgear also introduced the N750 router Wndr4000 which is practically the same specs as the Linksys E-4200 router. Both routers are adequate with the Gigabit Wan (1 port) and Gigabit Lan (4 ports) Ethernet interfaces. With Gigabit Lan interface, you can connect any computers with gigabit Nic enabled using Cat5e network cable for high speed wired connection.

Like Netgear Wndr4000, the Linksys E-4200 includes one Gigabit Wan port. For home users who subscribe Cable internet services, you can connect to the high speed Docsis 3.0 cable modem such as Surfboard Sb6120 which includes gigabit Ethernet port for optimum data throughput.

Usb Port

Linksys E-4200 includes one built-in Usb port with UpnP Media Server to let you share an external warehouse with the users on the local network or securely entrance via the internet by means of Vpn connection. With the built-in UpnP Av Media Server you can stream your Hd media to other media devices along with the Xbox, Ps3, Blu-Ray players, and Tv.

Unfortunately, you cannot use this Usb port to host a Usb printer for sharing. To share the printer via the network you need to buy detach wireless print server or you can use the computer and configure it traditionally for print-server.

Compared to the Netgear premium edition Wndr3800, the router supports the Usb port that can be used to host an external warehouse or Usb printer for sharing. But the Wndr3800 delivers the maximum speeds of up to300Mbps (N600 technology). Should you need the environment that supports both warehouse and printer for sharing, you may think Belkin Hd N600 which includes two Usb ports for warehouse and printer.

Advanced Security

Like other new routers with wireless 802.11n support, the router supports the newest wireless safety encryption: Wpa/Wpa2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) the stronger wireless safety compared with the Wep (for legacy 802.11b/g devices). The Linksys E-Series supports the Radius as well if your business network supports the Radius server for Authentication and Authorization. You can enable the router for Radius to join with the Radius server for centralized authentication.

Not many routers hold the Guest network access. Guest network entrance can be enabled to allow your guests entrance the internet without gaining entrance to your local network. You can enable the Guest entrance to allow up to 5 guests to entrance the Internet without compromising your local network.

All the must have safety features along with the Nat and Spi are also included for protecting the network against any threats. The Dhcp must have highlight also included to furnish the Ip address automatically to all the computers on the network.

Should you need the maximum speeds of the wireless environment for demanding high arduous bandwidth applications such as for plane gaming and Hd media streaming, Linksys E-4200 is your choice.

By Ki Grinsing

What's New With Linksys E-4200 Dual Band Gigabit Router?

December 16, 2011


Introduction to Intranets

What exactly is an intranet? It's one of those terms that's more thrown nearby than understood, and has become more of a buzzword than a generally understood idea. Plainly put, an intranet is a inexpressive network with Internet technology used as the underlying architecture. An intranet is built using the Internet's Tcp/Ip protocols for communications. Tcp/Ip protocols can be run on many hardware platforms and cabling schemes. The underlying hardware is not what makes an intranet-it's the software protocols that matter.

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Intranets can co-exist with other local area networking technology. In many companies, existing "legacy systems" together with mainframes, Novell networks, minicomputers, and varied databases, are being integrated into an intranet. A wide variety of tools allow this to happen. Common Gateway Interface (Cgi) scripting is often used to passage patrimony databases from an intranet. The Java programming language can be used to passage patrimony databases as well.

With the gigantic growth of the Internet, an increasing amount of citizen in corporations use the Internet for communicating with the surface world, for convention information, and for doing business. It didn't take long for citizen to recognize that the components that worked so well on the Internet could be equally critical internally and that is why intranets are becoming so popular. Some corporations do not have Tcp/Ip networks, the protocol required to passage the resources of the Internet. Creating an intranet in which all the information and resources can be used seamlessly has many benefits. Tcp/Ip-based networks make it easy for citizen to passage the network remotely, such as from home or while traveling. Dialing into an intranet in this way is much like connecting to the Internet, except that you're connecting to a inexpressive network instead of to a social Internet provider. Interoperability in the middle of networks is someone else gigantic bonus.

Security systems separate an intranet from the Internet. A company's intranet is protected by firewalls-hardware and software combinations that allow only inevitable citizen to passage the intranet for definite purposes.

Intranets can be used for anything that existing networks are used for-and more. The ease of publishing information on the World Wide Web has made them favorite places for posting corporate information such as business news or business procedures. Corporate databases with easy-to-build front-ends use the Web and programming languages such as Java.

Intranets allow citizen to work together more really and more effectively. Software known as groupware is someone else prominent part of intranets. It allows citizen to collaborate on projects; to share information; to do videoconferencing; and to produce get procedures for yield work. Free server and client software and the multitude of services, like newsgroups, stimulated the Internet's growth. The consequence of that growth stimulated and fueled the growth of intranets. The ease with which information can be shared, and with which citizen can retell with one someone else will continue to drive the construction of intranets.

A Global View of an Intranet

An intranet is a inexpressive corporate or educational network that uses the Internet's Tcp/Ip protocols for its underlying transport. The protocols can run on a variety of network hardware, and can also co-exist with other network protocols, such as Ipx. citizen from inside an intranet can get at the larger Internet resources, but those on the Internet cannot get into the intranet, which allows only restricted passage from the Internet.

  • Videoconferencing is an prominent application that requires sending heavy quantities of data. Intranets can be built using components that allow the extremely high bandwidths required for transferring such information.
  • Often an intranet is composed of a amount of separate networks inside a corporation that all retell with one someone else via Tcp/Ip. These separate networks are often referred to as subnets.
  • Software that allows citizen to retell with each other via e-mail and social message boards and to collaborate on work using workgroup software is among the most remarkable intranet programs. Applications that allow separate corporate departments to post information, and for citizen to fill out corporate forms, such as time sheets, and for tapping into corporate financial information are very popular.
  • Much of the software used on intranets is standard, off-the-shelf Internet software such as the Netscape Navigator and the Microsoft Explorer Web browsers. And customized programs are often built, using the Java programming language and Cgi scripting.
  • Intranets can also be used to allow associates to do business-to-business transactions, such as ordering parts, sending invoices, and making payments. For extra security, these intranet-to-intranet transactions need never go out over the social Internet, but can voyage over inexpressive leased lines instead.
  • Intranets are a remarkable system for allowing a business to do business online, for example, to allow anything on the Internet to order products. When person orders a goods on the Internet, information is sent in a get manner from the social Internet to the company's intranet, where the order is processed and completed.
  • In order to safe sensitive corporate information, and to ensure that hackers don't damage computer systems and data, safety barriers called firewalls safe an intranet from the Internet. Firewall technology uses a blend of routers, servers and other hardware and software to allow citizen on an intranet to use Internet resources, but blocks outsiders from getting into the intranet.
  • Many intranets have to join together to "legacy systems"-hardware and databases that were built before an intranet was constructed. patrimony systems often use older technology not based on the intranet's Tpc/Ip protocols. There are a variety of ways in which intranets can tie to patrimony systems. A Common way is to use Cgi scripts to passage the database information and pour that data into Html formatted text, making it ready to a Web browser.
  • Information sent over an intranet is sent to the allowable destination by routers, which survey each Tcp/Ip packet for the Ip address and rule the packet's destination. It then sends the packet to the next router closest to the destination. If the packet is to be delivered to an address on the same subnetwork of the intranet it was sent from, the packet may be able to be delivered directly without having to go straight through any other routers. If it is to be sent to someone else subnetwork on the intranet, it will be sent to someone else internal router address. If the packet is to be sent to a destination surface the intranet-in other words, to an Internet destination-the packet is sent to a router that connects to the Internet

How Tcp/Ip and Ipx Work on Intranets

What distinguishes an intranet from any other kind of inexpressive network is that it is based on Tcp/Ip-the same protocols that apply to the Internet. Tcp/Ip refers to two protocols that work together to deliver data: the Transmission operate Protocol (Tcp) and the Internet Protocol (Ip). When you send information over an intranet, the data is broken into small packets. The packets are sent independently straight through a series of switches called routers. Once all the packets arrive at their destination, they are recombined into their original form. The Transmission operate Protocol breaks the data into packets and recombines them on the receiving end. The Internet Protocol handles the routing of the data and makes sure it gets sent to the allowable destination.

  1. In some companies, there may be a mix of Tcp/Ip-based intranets and networks based on other networking technology, such as NetWare. In that instance, the Tcp/Ip technology of an intranet can be used to send data in the middle of NetWare or other networks, using a technique called Ip tunneling. In this instance, we'll look at data being sent from one NetWare network to another, via an intranet. NetWare networks use the Ipx (Internet Packet Exchange) protocol as a way to deliver data-and Tcp/Ip networks can't recognize that protocol. To get nearby this, when an Ipx packet is to be sent over an intranet, it is first encapsulated inside an Ip packet by a NetWare server specifically for and dedicated to providing the Ip transport mechanism for Ipx packets.
  2. Data sent within an intranet must be broken up into packets of less than 1,500 characters each. Tcp breaks the data into packets. As it creates each packet, it calculates and adds a checksum to the packet. The checksum is based on the byte values, that is, the exact amount of data in the packet.
  3. Each packet, along with the checksum, is put into separate Ip wrappers or "envelopes." These wrappers consist of information that details exactly where on the intranet-or the Internet-the data is to be sent. All of the wrappers for a given piece of data have the same addressing information so that they can all be sent to the same location for reassembly.
  4. The packets voyage in the middle of networks by intranet routers. Routers survey all Ip wrappers and look at their addresses. These routers rule the most effective path for sending each packet to its final destination. Since the traffic load on an intranet often changes, the packets may be sent along separate routes, and the packets may arrive out of order. If the router sees the address is one settled inside the intranet, the packet may be sent directly to its destination, or it may instead be sent to someone else router. If the address is settled out on the Internet, it will be sent to someone else router so it can be sent over the Internet.
  5. As the packets arrive at their destination, Tcp calculates a checksum for each packet. It then compares this checksum with the checksum that has been sent in the packet. If the checksums don't match, Tcp knows that the data in the packet has been corrupted during transmission. It then discards the packet and asks that the original packet be retransmitted.
  6. Tcp includes the quality to check packets and to rule that all the packets have been received. When all the non-corrupt packets are received, Tcp assembles them into their original, unified form. The header information of the packets relays the sequence of how to reassemble the packets.
  7. An intranet treats the Ip packet as it would any other, and routes the packet to the receiving NetWare network. On the receiving NetWare network, a NetWare Tcp/Ip server decapsulates the Ip packet-it discards the Ip packet, and reads the original Ipx packet. It can now use the Ipx protocol to deliver the data to the allowable destination.

How the Osi Model Works

A group called the International Standards assosication (Iso) has put together the Open Systems Interconnect (Osi) Reference Model, which is a model that describes seven layers of protocols for computer communications. These layers don't know or care what is on adjacent layers. Each layer, essentially, only sees the reciprocal layer on the other side. The sending application layer sees and talks to the application layer on the destination side. That conversation takes place irrespective of, for example, what structure exists at the corporal layer, such as Ethernet or Token Ring. Tcp combines the Osi model's application, presentation, and session layers into one which is also called the application layer.

  • The application layer refers to application interfaces, not programs like word processing. Mhs (Message Handling Service) is such an interface and it operates at this level of the Osi model. Again, this segmentation and interface arrival means that a variety of email programs can be used on an intranet so long as they conform to the Mhs accepted at this application interface level.
  • The presentation layer typically Plainly provides a accepted interface in the middle of the application layer and the network layers. This type of segmentation allows for the great flexibility of the Osi model since applications can vary endlessly, but, as long as the results conform to this accepted interface, the applications need not be concerned with any of the other layers.
  • The session layer allows for the transportation in the middle of sender and destination. These conversations avoid confusion by speaking in turn. A token is passed to operate and to indicate which side is allowed to speak. This layer executes transactions, like rescue a file. If something prevents it from completing the save, the session layer, which has a report of the original state, returns to the original state rather than allowing a corrupt or incomplete transaction to occur.
  • The transport layer segments the data into accepted packet sizes and is responsible for data integrity of packet segments. There are several levels of aid that can be implemented at this layer, together with segmenting and reassembly, error recovery, flow control, and others.
  • The Ip wrapper is put nearby the packet at the network or Internet layer. The header includes the source and destination addresses, the sequence order, and other data critical for exact routing and rebuilding at the destination.
  • The data-link layer frames the packets-for example, for use with the Ppp (Point to Point). It also includes the logical link quantum of the Mac sublayer of the Ieee 802.2, 802.3 and other standards.
  • Ethernet and Token Ring are the two most Common corporal layer protocols. They function at the Mac (Media passage Control) level and move the data over the cables based on the corporal address on each Nic (Network Interface Card). The corporal layer includes the corporal components of the Ieee 802.3 and other specifications.

How Tcp/Ip Packets Are Processed

Protocols such as Tcp/Ip rule how computers retell with each other over networks such as the Internet. These protocols work in concert with each other, and are layered on top of one someone else in what is generally referred to as a protocol stack. Each layer of the protocol is designed to perform a definite purpose on both the sending and receiving computers. The Tcp stack combines the application, presentation, and the session layers into a singular layer also called the application layer. Other than that change, it follows the Osi model. The illustration below shows the wrapping process that occurs to forward data.

  • The Tcp application layer formats the data being sent so that the layer below it, the transport layer, can send the data. The Tcp application layer performs the equivalent actions that the top three layers of Osi perform: the application, presentation, and session layers.
  • The next layer down is the transport layer, which is responsible for transferring the data, and ensures that the data sent and the data received are in fact the same data-in other words, that there have been no errors introduced during the sending of the data. Tcp divides the data it gets from the application layer into segments. It attaches a header to each segment. The header contains information that will be used on the receiving end to ensure that the data hasn't been altered en route, and that the segments can be properly recombined into their original form.
  • The third layer prepares the data for delivery by putting them into Ip datagrams, and determining the allowable Internet address for those datagrams. The Ip protocol works in the Internet layer, also called the network layer. It puts an Ip wrapper with a header onto each segment. The Ip header includes information such as the Ip address of the sending and receiving computers, and the distance of the datagram, and the sequence order of the datagram. The sequence order is added because the datagram could conceivably exceed the size allowed for network packets, and so would need to be broken into smaller packets. together with the sequence order will allow them to be recombined properly.
  • The Internet layer checks the Ip header and checks to see either the packet is a fragment. If it is, it puts together fragments back into the original datagram. It strips off the Ip header, and then sends the datagram to the transport layer.
  • The transport layer looks at the remaining header to rule which application layer protocol-Tcp or Udp-should get the data. Then the allowable protocol strips off the header and sends the data to the receiving application.
  • The application layer gets the data and performs, in this case, an Http request.
  • The next layer down, the data link layer, uses protocols such as the Point-to-Point Protocol (Ppp) to put the Ip datagram into a frame. This is done by putting a header-the third header, after the Tcp header and the Ip header-and a footer nearby the Ip datagram to fra-me it. Included in the frame header is a Crc check that checks for errors in the data as the data travels over the network.
  • The data-link layer ensures that the Crc for the frame is right, and that the data hasn't been altered while it was sent. It strips off the frame header and the Crc, and sends the frame to the Internet layer.
  • On the receiving computer, the packet travels straight through the stack, but in the opposite order from which the packet was created. In other words, it starts at the bottom layer, and moves its way up straight through the protocol stack. As it moves up, each layer strips off the header information that was added by the Tcp/Ip stack of the sending computer.
  • The final layer is the corporal network layer, which specifies the corporal characteristics of the network being used to send data. It describes the actual hardware standards, such as the Ethernet specification. The layer receives the frames from the data link layer, and translates the Ip addresses there into the hardware addresses required for the definite network being used. Finally, the layer sends the frame over the network.
  • The corporal network layer receives the packet. It translates the hardware address of the sender and receiver into Ip addresses. Then it sends the frame up to the data link layer.

How Bridges Work

Bridges are hardware and software combinations that join together separate parts of a singular network, such as separate sections of an intranet. They join together local area networks (Lans) to each other. They are generally not used, however, for connecting whole networks to each other, for example, for connecting an intranet to the Internet, or an intranet to an intranet, or to join together an whole subnetwork to an whole subnetwork. To do that, more sophisticated pieces of technology called routers are used.

  1. When there is a great amount of traffic on an Ethernet local area network, packets can collide with one another, reducing the efficiency of the network, and slowing down network traffic. Packets can collide because so much of the traffic is routed among all the workstations on the network.
  2. In order to cut down on the collision rate, a singular Lan can be subdivided into two or more Lans. For example, a singular Lan can be subdivided into several departmental Lans. Most of the traffic in each departmental Lan stays within the branch Lan, and so it needn't voyage straight through all the workstations on all the Lans on the network. In this way, collisions are reduced. Bridges are used to link the Lans. The only traffic that needs to voyage over bridges is traffic bound for someone else Lan. Any traffic within the Lan need not voyage over a bridge.
  3. Each packet of data on an intranet has more information in it than just the Ip information. It also includes addressing information required for other underlying network architecture, such as for an Ethernet network. Bridges look at this outer network addressing information and deliver the packet to the allowable address on a Lan
  4. Bridges consult a learning table that has the addresses of all the network nodes in it. If a bridge finds that a packet belongs on its own Lan, it keeps the packet inside the Lan. If it finds that the workstation is on someone else Lan, it forwards the packet. The bridge constantly updates the learning table as it monitors and routes traffic.
  5. Bridges can join together Lans in a variety of separate ways. They can join together Lans using serial connections over original phone lines and modems, over Isdn lines, and over direct cable connections. Csu/Dsu units are used to join together bridges to telephone lines for remote connectivity.
  6. Bridges and routers are sometimes combined into a singular goods called a brouter. A brouter handles both bridging and routing tasks. If the data needs to be sent only to someone else Lan on the network or subnetwork, it will act only as a bridge delivering the data based on the Ethernet address. If the destination is someone else network entirely, it will act as a router, examining the Ip packets and routing the data based on the Ip address.

How Intranet Routers Work

Just as routers direct traffic on the Internet, sending information to its allowable destination, and routers on an intranet perform the same function. Routers-equipment that is a blend of hardware and software-can send the data to a computer on the same sub network inside the intranet, to someone else network on the intranet, or surface to the Internet. They do this by examining header information in Ip packets, and then sending the data on its way. Typically, a router will send the packet to the next router closest to the final destination, which in turn sends it to an even closer router, and so on, until the data reaches its intended recipient.

  1. A router has input ports for receiving Ip packets, and yield ports for sending those packets toward their destination. When a packet comes to the input port, the router examines the packet header, and checks the destination in it against a routing table-a database that tells the router how to send packets to varied destinations.
  2. Based on the information in the routing table, the packet is sent to a singular yield port, which sends the packet to the next closest router to the packet's destination.
  3. If packets come to the input port more swiftly than the router can process them, they are sent to a keeping area called an input queue. The router then processes packets from the queue in the order they were received. If the amount of packets received exceeds the capacity of the queue (called the distance of the queue), packets may be lost. When this happens, the Tcp protocol on the sending and receiving computers will have the packets re-sent.
  4. In a simple intranet that is a single, wholly self-contained network, and in which there are no connections to any other network or the intranet, only minimal routing need be done, and so the routing table in the router is exceedingly simple with very few entries, and is constructed automatically by a agenda called ifconfig.
  5. In a slightly more complex intranet which is composed of a amount of Tcp/Ip-based networks, and connects to a petite amount of Tcp/Ip-based networks, static routing will be required. In static routing, the routing table has definite ways of routing data to other networks. Only those pathways can be used. Intranet administrators can add routes to the routing table. Static routing is more flexible than minimal routing, but it can't change routes as network traffic changes, and so isn't convenient for many intranets.
  6. In more complex intranets, dynamic routing will be required. Dynamic routing is used to permit multiple routes for a packet to reach its final destination. Dynamic routing also allows routers to change the way they route information based on the amount of network traffic on some paths and routers. In dynamic routing, the routing table is called a dynamic routing table and changes as network conditions change. The tables are built dynamically by routing protocols, and so constantly change according to network traffic and conditions.
  7. There are two broad types of routing protocols: interior and exterior. Interior routing protocols are typically used on internal routers inside an intranet that routes traffic bound only for inside the intranet. A Common interior routing protocol is the Routing information Protocol (Rip). surface protocols are typically used for external routers on the Internet. AÊcommon surface protocol is the surface Gateway Protocol (Egp).

Intranets come in separate sizes. In a small company, an intranet can be composed of only a handful of computers. In a medium-sized business, it may consist of dozens or hundreds of computers. And in a large corporation, there may be thousands of computers spread over the globe, all associated to a singular intranet. When intranets get large, they need to be subdivided into personel subnets or subnetworks.

To understand how subnetting works, you first need to understand Ip addresses. Every Ip address is a 32-bit numeric address that uniquely identifies a network and then a definite host on that network. The Ip address is divided into two sections: the network section, called the netid, and the host section, called the hostid.

Each 32-bit Ip address is handled differently, according to what class of network the address refers to. There are three main classes of network addresses: Class A, Class B, and Class C. In some classes, more of the 32-bit address space is devoted to the netid, while in others, more of the address space is devoted to the hostid. In a Class A network, the netid is composed of 8 bits, while the hostid is composed of 24 bits. In a Class B network, both the netid and the hostid are composed of 16 bits. In a Class C network, the netid is composed of 24 bits, while the hostid is composed of 8 bits. There's a simple way of knowing what class a network is in. If the first amount of the Ip address is less than 128, the network is a Class A address. If the first amount is from 128 to 191, it's a Class B network. If the first amount is from 192 to 223, it's a Class C network. Numbers above 223 are reserved for other purposes. The smaller the netid, the fewer amount of networks that can be subnetted, but the larger amount of hosts on the network. A Class A rating is best for large networks while a Class C is best for small ones.

To originate a subnet, the demarcation line on the Ip address is moved in the middle of the netid and the hostid, to give the netid more bits to work with and to take away bits from the hostid. To do this, a extra amount called a subnet mask is used.

Subnetting is used when intranets grow over a inevitable size and they begin to have problems. One problem is administration of host Ip addresses-making sure that every computer on the network has a proper, up-to-date host address, and that old host addresses are put out of use until needed in the future. In a corporation spread out over several locations-or over the world-it's difficult, if not impossible, to have one person responsible for managing the host addresses at every location and branch in the company.

Another problem has to do with a variety of hardware limitations of networks. separate networks may all be part of an intranet. An intranet may have some sections that are Ethernet, other sections that are Token Ring networks, and conceivably other sections that use separate networking technologies altogether. There is no easy way for an intranet router to link these separate networks together and route the information to the allowable places.

Another set of problems has to do with the corporal limitations of network technology. In some kinds of networks, there are some exact limitations on how far cables can increase in the network. In other words, you can't go over a inevitable distance of cabling without using repeaters or routers. A "thick" Ethernet cable, for example, can only be extended to 500 meters, while a "thin" Ethernet cable can only go to 300 meters. Routers can be used to link these cables together, so that an intranet can be extended well beyond those distances. But when that is done, each distance of wire is essentially determined its own subnetwork.

Yet one more set of problems has to do with the volume of traffic that travels over an intranet. Often in a corporation, in a given department, most of the traffic is intradepartmental traffic-in other words, mail and other data that citizen within a branch send to each another. The volume of traffic surface to other departments is considerably less. What's called for is a way to confine intradepartmental traffic inside the departments, to cut down on the amount of data that needs to be routed and managed over the whole intranet.

Subnetting solves all these problems and more. When an intranet is divided into subnets, one central administrator doesn't have to manage every aspect of the whole intranet. Instead, each subnet can take care of its own administration. That means smaller organizations within the larger assosication can take care of problems such as address administration and a variety of troubleshooting chores. If an intranet is subnetted by divisions or departments, it means that each branch or branch can guide the development of its own network, while adhering to normal intranet architecture. Doing this allows departments or divisions more freedom to use technology to pursue their business goals.

Subnets also get nearby problems that arise when an intranet has within it separate kinds of network architecture, such as Ethernet and Token Ring technologies. Normally-if there is no subnetting-a router can't link these separate networks together because they don't have their own addresses. However, if each of the separate networks is its own subnet-and so has its own network address-routers can then link them together and properly route intranet traffic.

Subnetting can also cut down on the traffic traveling over the intranet and its routers. Since much network traffic may be confined within departments, having each branch be its own subnet means that all that traffic need never cross an intranet router and cross the intranet-it will stay within its own subnet.

Subnetting can also growth the safety on an intranet. If the payroll department, for example, were on its own subnet, then much of its traffic would not have to voyage over an intranet. Having its data traveling over the intranet could mean that person could conceivably hack into the data to read it. Confining the data to its own subnet makes that much less likely to happen.

Dividing an intranet into subnets can also make the whole intranet more stable. If an intranet is divided in this way, then if one subnet goes down or is often unstable, it won't work on the rest of the intranet.

This all may sound rather confusing. To see how it's done, let's take a look at a network, and see how to use the Ip address to originate subnets. Let's say we have a Class B network. That network is assigned the address of When a network is given an address, it is assigned the netid numbers-in this case, the 130.97-and it can assign the host numbers (in this case, 0.0) in any way that it chooses.

The network is a singular intranet. It's getting too large to manage, though, and we've decided to divide it into two subnets. What we do is fairly straightforward. We take a amount from the hostid field and use it to recognize each of the subnets. So one subnet gets the address, and the other gets the address personel machines on the first subnet get addresses of,, and so on. personel machines on the second subnet get addresses of, and so on.

Sounds simple. But we have a problem. The Internet doesn't recognize and as separate networks. It treats them both as since the "1" and "2" that we're using as a netid is only known to the Internet as a hostid. So our intranet router will not be able to route incoming traffic to the allowable network.

To solve the problem, a subnet mask is used. A subnet mask is a 32-bit amount in Ip form used by intranet routers and hosts that will help routers understand how to route information to the allowable subnet. To the surface Internet, there is still only one network, but the subnet mask allows routers inside the intranet to send traffic to the allowable host.

A subnet mask is a amount such as (the built-in default for Class C addresses; the Class B default is and the default for Class A is A router takes the subnet mask and applies that amount against the Ip amount of incoming mail to the network by using it to perform a calculation. Based on the resulting Ip number, it will route mail to the allowable subnet, and then to a singular computer on the subnet. For consistency, every person in a singular intranet will use the same subnet mask.

Subnetting an Intranet

When intranets are over a inevitable size, or are spread over several geographical locations, it becomes difficult to manage them as a singular network. To solve the problem, the singular intranet can be subdivided into several subnets, subsections of an intranet that make them easier to manage. To the surface world, the intranet still looks as if it's a singular network.

  1. If you're construction an intranet and want it to be associated to the Internet, you'll need a unique Ip address for your intranet network, which the InterNic Registration Services will handle. There are three classes of intranet you can have: Class A, Class B, or Class C. Generally, a Class A rating is best for the largest networks, while a Class C is best for the smallest. A Class A network can be composed of 127 networks, and a total of 16,777,214 nodes on the network. A Class B network can be composed of 16,383 networks, and a total of 65,534 nodes. A Class C network can be composed of 2,097,151 networks, and 254 nodes.
  2. When an intranet is assigned an address, it is assigned the first two Ip numbers of the Internet numeric address (called the netid field) and the remaining two numbers (called the hostid field) are left blank, so that the intranet itself can assign them, such as The hostid field consists of a amount for a subnet and a host number.
  3. When an intranet is associated to the Internet, a router handles the job of sending packets into the intranet from the Internet. In our example, all incoming mail and data comes to a router for a network with the netid of
  4. When intranets grow-for example, if there is a branch settled in someone else building, city, or country-there needs to be some way to manage network traffic. It may be impractical and physically impossible to route all the data critical among many separate computers spread over a construction or the world. A second network-called a subnetwork or subnet-needs to be created.
  5. In order to have a router deal with all incoming traffic for a subnetted intranet, the first byte of the hostid field is used. The bits that are used to distinguish among subnets are called subnet numbers. In our example, there are two subnets on the intranet. To the surface world, there appears to be only one network.
  6. Each computer on each subnet gets its own Ip address, as in a normal intranet. The blend of the netid field, the subnet number, and then ultimately a host number, forms the Ip address.
  7. The router must be informed that the hostid field in subnets must be treated differently than non-subnetted hostid fields, otherwise it won't be able to properly route data. In order to do this, a subnet mask is used. A subnet mask is a 32-bit amount such as that is used in concert with the numbers in the hostid field. When a calculation is performed using the subnet mask and the Ip address, the router knows where to route the mail. The subnet mask is put in people's network configuration files.

Overview of an Intranet safety System

Any intranet is vulnerable to strike by citizen intent on destruction or on stealing corporate data. The open nature of the Internet and Tcp/Ip protocols expose a corporation to attack. Intranets want a variety of safety measures, together with hardware and software combinations that provide operate of traffic; encryption and passwords to validate users; and software tools to preclude and cure viruses, block objectionable sites, and monitor traffic.

  • The generic term for a line of defense against intruders is a firewall. A firewall is a hardware/software blend that controls the type of services allowed to or from the intranet.
  • Proxy servers are someone else Common tool used in construction a firewall. A proxy server allows system administrators to track all traffic coming in and out of an intranet.
  • A bastion server firewall is configured to withstand and preclude unauthorized passage or services. It is typically segmented from the rest of the intranet in its own subnet or perimeter network. In this way, if the server is broken into, the rest of the intranet won't be compromised.
  • Server-based virus-checking software can check every file coming into the intranet to make sure that it's virus-free.
  • Authentication systems are an prominent part of any intranet safety scheme. Authentication systems are used to ensure that anything trying to log into the intranet or any of its resources is the person they claim to be. Authentication systems typically use user names, passwords, and encryption systems.
  • Server-based site-blocking software can bar citizen on an intranet from getting objectionable material. Monitoring software tracks where citizen have gone and what services they have used, such as Http for Web access.
  • One way of ensuring that the wrong citizen or erroneous data can't get into the intranet is to use a filtering router. This is a extra kind of router that examines the Ip address and header information in every packet coming into the network, and allows in only those packets that have addresses or other data, like e-mail, that the system administrator has decided should be allowed into the intranet.

All intranets are vulnerable to attack. Their underlying Tcp/Ip architecture is same to that of the Internet. Since the Internet was built for maximum openness and communication, there are countless techniques that can be used to strike intranets. Attacks can involve the theft of vital business information and even cash. Attacks can destroy or deny a company's computing resources and services. Attackers can break in or pose as a business laborer to use the company's intranet resources.

Firewalls are hardware and software combinations that block intruders from passage to an intranet while still allowing citizen on the intranet to passage the resources of the Internet. Depending on how get a site needs to be, and on how much time, money, and resources can be spent on a firewall, there are many kinds that can be built. Most of them, though, are built using only a few elements. Servers and routers are the original components of firewalls.

Most firewalls use some kind of packet filtering. In packet filtering, a screening router or filtering router looks at every packet of data traveling in the middle of an intranet and the Internet.

Proxy servers on an intranet are used when person from the intranet wants to passage a server on the Internet. A invite from the user's computer is sent to the proxy server instead of directly to the Internet. The proxy server contacts the server on the Internet, receives the information from the Internet, and then sends the information to the requester on the intranet. By acting as a go-between like this, proxy servers can filter traffic and contend safety as well as log all traffic in the middle of the Internet and the network.

Bastion hosts are heavily fortified servers that deal with all incoming requests from the Internet, such as Ftp requests. A singular bastion host handling incoming requests makes it easier to contend safety and track attacks. In the event of a break in, only that singular host has been compromised, instead of the whole network. In some firewalls, multiple bastion hosts can be used, one for each separate kind of intranet aid request.

How Firewalls Work

Firewalls safe intranets from any attacks launched against them from the Internet. They are designed to safe an intranet from unauthorized passage to corporate information, and damaging or denying computer resources and services. They are also designed to stop citizen on the intranet from accessing Internet services that can be dangerous, such as Ftp.

  1. Intranet computers are allowed passage to the Internet only after passing straight through a firewall. Requests have to pass straight through an internal screening router, also called an internal filtering routeror choke router. This router prevents packet traffic from being sniffed remotely. A choke router examines all pack-ets for information such as the source and destination of the packet.
  2. The router compares the information it finds to rules in a filtering table, and passes or drops the packets based on those rules. For example, some services, such as rlogin, may not be allowed to run. The router also might not allow any packets to be sent to definite suspicious Internet locations. A router can also block every packet traveling in the middle of the Internet and the internal network, except for e-mail. system administrators set the rules for determining which packets to allow in and which to block.
  3. When an intranet is protected by a firewall, the usual internal intranet services are available-such as e-mail, passage to corporate databases and Web services, and the use of groupware.
  4. Screened subnet firewalls have one more way to safe the intranet-an surface screening router, also called an surface filtering router or an passage router. This router screens packets in the middle of the Internet and the perimeter network using the same kind of technology that the interior screening router uses. It can screen packets based on the same rules that apply to the internal screening router and can safe the network even if the internal router fails. It also, however, may have added rules for screening packets specifically designed to safe the bastion host.
  5. As a way to added safe an intranet from attack, the bastion host is settled in a perimeter network-a subnet-inside the firewall. If the bastion host was on the intranet instead of a perimeter network and was broken into, the intruder could gain passage to the intranet.
  6. A bastion host is the main point of perceive for connections coming in from the Internet for all services such as e-mail, Ftp access, and any other data and requests. The bastion host services all those requests-people on the intranet perceive only this one server, and they don't directly perceive any other intranet servers. In this way, intranet servers are protected from attack.


Wireless Internet Router Water Pressure Sensor

December 12, 2011

Tew 691Gr Wireless N Gigabit Router - Compared With New Linksys and Belkin

When Belkin ships new lines of wireless routers (including Belkin Surf, Belkin Share, Belkin Play, and Belkin Max Play) with the final version of 802.11n standards with the speeds of up to 300 Mbps and so does Linksys with it's new E-Series wireless -n routers (including E-1000, E-2000/L, and E-3000), Trendnet is shipping new Wireless -n Gigabit router Tew-691Gr with the speeds of up to 450 Mbps. It is claimed to be the first fastest wireless n router in its class.

The Wi-Fi Alliance said that the final version of the 802.11n Wi-Fi standard should effectively remain the same as it is in the Draft 2.0 spec. The Wi-Fi Alliance is a trade group that owns the trademark Wi-Fi and owns and controls the Wi-Fi Certified logo, a registered trademark, which is permitted only on tool which has passed testing.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

Trendnet redefines wireless router doing to the speed of up to 450 Mbps on Tew-961Gr model to seamlessly streams Hd media to your entertainment center, transfers article from countless users, and generates article wireless coverage.

The following list main features of this Tew-691Gr Trendnet 450 Mbps Wireless -n router:

  • Combines the power of final version of 802.11n wireless standards and Mimo technology to provide the speed up to 450 Mbps and longer length and backward compatible with inheritance 802.11b/g clients.
  • Powered by Gigabit Ethernet both for Lan and Wan ports for high doing wired connections
  • Suitable for streaming Hd video, files download, talk online, and playing games all at the same time
  • Wmm® ability of assistance (QoS) technology to prioritize gaming, Internet calls, and video streams. See also the best wireless gaming router - how to choose
  • Easy wireless association for the computers with one-touch Wi-Fi Protected Setup (Wps)
  • An vigor Star certified power adapter and embedded Greennet technology sell out power consumption.
  • Dual firewall Nat and Spi protection. Network Address Translation (Nat) to hide your hidden network and Stateful Packet Inspection (Spi) to filter the inbound traffic thoroughly
  • Multiple pass-through sessions for beloved Vpn applications (Ipsec, L2Tp, and Pptp) to allow you create tunneling to the hidden network while company traveling securely
  • Complete wireless protection with Wpa/Wpa2-Radius, Wpa /Wpa2-Psk, and Wep
Configuration and association

Like other wireless routers, you need to associate the Wan port of the router to the Lan / Ethernet port of the modem (Cable or Adsl). To configure the router via your web browser, you can type the default Ip address of Tew-691Gr in your browser http:// and press Enter. Logon windows will be prompt to allow you type the default user-name "admin" and the default password is blank.

Comparison with Belkin and Linksys

The Trendnet Tew-691Gr is new wireless -n router with the final version of 802.11n wireless standards like other Linksys E-Series and Belkin new Routers. The final version of the wireless n standards with Mimo technology can deliver the speeds of up to 300 Mbps. But Tew-691Gr boost the speed up to 450 Mbps - off policy in ideal conditions.

The following lists major separate in the middle of Tew-691Gr, Belkin Max Play (the developed version of new Belkin routers), and Linksys E-3000 (the developed version of E-Series) wireless router.

Wireless Maximum Speed (ideal conditions)

Both Linksys E-series and new Belkin wireless routers can deliver the speeds up to 300 Mbps. But Tew-691Gr can boost the speed up to 450 Mbps. Off courses this is in the ideal conditions, the actual speed may vary.

Frequency Band

Both Linksys E-3000 and Belkin Max Play wireless routers are powered by simultaneous dual-band technology (2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz). While Trendnet Tew-691Gr supports particular 2.4 Ghz band.

Usb Support

Linksys E-3000 wireless routers is adequate with the Usb port to sustain UpnP Av media server. Belkin Max Play (and other Belkin Share and Belkin Play) supports Usb port for printer sharing with Belkin Print Genie technology. But Tew-691Gr is not adequate with the Usb port. All the three wireless routers sustain Gigabit Ethernet for their 4-port Lan Switch.

Wireless Antenna

Linksys E-3000 is powered by 6 internal antenna for larger range. Belkin Max Play is powered by dual-plane antenna. Tew-691Gr is powered by three external antenna.

Trendnet Tew 691gr Wireless N Gigabit Router is a new line of Trendnet wireless -n (final version of 802.11n standards) router with high speed of up to 450 Mbps which will boost the speed of your network.

By Ki Grinsing

Tew 691Gr Wireless N Gigabit Router - Compared With New Linksys and Belkin

belkin wireless n router

Micro USB Cable

November 23, 2011

Optimizing the Router for Better Wireless Connectivity

If you're downloading a large files and it's coming to it's end, you're receiving a Skype call from a client in London, without warning, your Wi-Fi connection drops, leaving your download and VoIP call in havoc. You'll retry the wireless connection, but your router, though blinking contentedly in your tense, seems to be off. After three hour, for no reason, your Wi-Fi connection miraculously resurfaces.

Wireless networking can be a easy and yet gives you a headache, It's great when it works and a mind-numbing frustration when it doesn't. A common complaint among many who have moved to Wi-Fi is that their wireless connection mysteriously fades in and out the frequency.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

These steps will help you to create a stable, Always-on the wireless connections.

1. Replace your cordless phone. Cordless phones are among the worst sources of interference for wireless networks. They intend to transmit at a higher power output than Wi-Fi gear, making them louder and therefore harder to talk over, and they tend to transmit frequently, especially when the handset and base station are separated. Some 2.4GHz cordless phones let you select a channel, in which case you can try separating the phone's frequency from the frequency of your wireless network. For example, set your phone to channel 1 and your wireless router to channel 11. If your phone doesn't let you select a channel, try putting some distance between your phone and your router. Generally, it's not a good idea to place a cordless phone next to a Wi-Fi router. If this doesn't help, consider replacing your 2.4GHz phone with a 5GHz phone. This way, your phone and network won't be sharing the same airspace and won't interfere with each other.

2. Expand your wireless network. The farther you are from your wireless router, the greater the potential for interference to block or to slow your connection. For example, you may be able to connect just fine in your house, but on your patio, you may have an intermittent connection that disappears whenever your neighbor is using her cordless phone. The signal on your patio may be too weak to cope with the interference coming from the house next door. You can strengthen the connection with antennas or repeaters or you can use a power-line bridge to import the connection from your router to your patio and feed it into a power-line access point. Instead of the weak signal from your distant router, you now have a strong signal from an access point placed right where you want to buttress your coverage area.

3. Change channels. Interference is a likely cause of intermittent connections, such as the one described above. All 802.11b and 802.11g networks operate at 2.4GHz, in a small swath of spectrum once used primarily by ham-radio hobbyists. Today, these radios, plus other Wi-Fi gear, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, microwave ovens, baby monitors, and wireless surveillance equipment, all crowd the spectrum. When these devices compete for the same airspace, they interfere with each other, potentially blocking each other's signals. Luckily, there are ways to sidestep and minimize interference in many situations. In the United States, 802.11b and 802.11g devices can be configured to operate at any one of 11 channels. Unfortunately, these channels overlap with adjacent channels, so you have only 3 non overlapping channels at your disposal: channels 1, 6, and 11. If you and your neighbor both have a wireless network, both of which are set to channel 6, you may experience interference. You can remedy the problem by resetting your wireless router to a different, preferably non overlapping, channel, in this case, either 1 or 11.

Optimizing the Router for Better Wireless Connectivity

belkin wireless n router

New Phones Cricket Wireless Clear Wireless Internet Micro USB Cable HTC

November 20, 2011

Belkin ADSL Wireless Router

Although market is proliferated with ADSL wireless routers, but Belkin ADSL Wireless Router has proved a breakthrough for the internet users after the introduction of wireless technology that connects several users to the internet via the same connection. Now connection and file sharing without cable is no more a problem. Belkin ADSL Wireless Routers has two parts; the first is modem that you connect with ADSL phone connection and the router connects it to your all computers via four port wired Ethernet connections or via 802.11g Ethernet standard protocol.

Belkin ADSL Wireless Router has several other qualities that makes it easier to use. It can transfer all types of data at the speed of 54 Mbps including files comprising videos and movies. With its features of security modes including WPA, 128 bit WEP and 62bit WEP encryption, it has excelled in performance in providing security to its users as compared to other competitors in the market. It not only protects your network form hackers by using NAT and SPI firewalls, it also connects four wired computers to your network. It works both with PC's and Mac's. Its firewalls have managed to withstand all security problems and most of the users have given it top ratings in this function. You can easily manage its firewall through user interface, a feature that is not available in old wireless routers.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

The best that Belkin ADSL Wireless Router can provide to the users is that it is highly facilitating for use of Wi-Fi from one computer to another and then connect it with your TV for streaming the movies. This feature has turned it a great favorite of internet wizards that are always on the lookout for the best routers. It creates no problems in connecting the laps equipped with Belking PCMCIA WI-Fi cards or USB Wi-Fi adapter. Both can be connected anywhere in the house if router is working.

As far as the modem setup is concerned, it is quite easy to install. If you have BT broadband details in your hands, you should enter on your welcome screen. Within a seconds your connection will be all right and running with Belkin ADSL Wireless Routers. You can have your WPA security setup after a while, and now your connection is secure and safe from hackers. Although there is no problem with any connection, it only creates a small problem for Apple Mac Mini with Belkin USB Wi-Fi adapter. First, it does not recognize it. When you pull it out and reinstate it after restarting your computer, it easily recognizes it. Then there is no problem for 24/7. It even poses no problems during connecting Xbox via Ethernet.

What most users seek is video streaming and movie streaming facility at any place in the house. Belkin ADSL Wireless Router has solved this problem and provide many others. Now new Belkin ADSL Wireless Routers are providing solar-powered routers that mean the users have no problem if it is not connected with electricity socket. If Belkin ADSL Wireless Router is providing all services, what more a user have to ask for.

Belkin ADSL Wireless Router

belkin wireless n router

USB Cables And Connectors Bed Bugs Shopping Wireless Internet Camera Surveillance

November 16, 2011

How a Wireless N Dual Band Router Improves Your Network - Part 1

Part 1: The Cluttered Wireless 2.4GHz Band

Most of today's wireless routers support 802.11g (Wireless-G) and many of them start to support 802.11n (Wireless-N) after the specification has been finalized in October, 2009. If you've bought a laptop or wireless router after 2009, chances are that they will support 802.11n and 802.11g.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

Wireless-G and N can both utilize a common network frequency at 2.4GHz, it's the same old 2.4GHz that have been used by earlier 802.11 and 802.11b networks, and also by most of the home & office wireless telephones and remote controls.

With so many devices using 2.4GHz in your house, and your neighbors' surround you, 2.4Ghz networks are extremely cluttered with dozens maybe even hundreds of wireless devices.

To reduce interference to some degree, the 2.4Ghz network is divided up into 14 channels, with each one having its own frequency very close to 2.4GHz. They are 2.412, 2.417, 2.422, 2.427, 2.432, 2.437, 2.442, 2.447, 2.452, 2.457, 2.462, 2467, 2.472, 2.484 Ghz.

In North American only the first 11 channels are used, while in the rest of the world all the first 13, with Japan also using the last channel in their 802.11b standards.

Most 2.4GHz device can choose their channel at one of the 11 frequencies. The larger the difference in the frequency, the less interference the devices will encounter. Setting your device away from a cluttered channel might help a little back in 2003 when not so many Wireless G devices were around.

However, it doesn't really help that much in 2010. By default, all wireless routers choose Channel 6, the one in the middle. If you and your neighbors did not change channel in your routers' setting page, you are stuck in Channel 6 with a lot of other devices. Even if you are smart enough to change to Channel 1 or Channel 11, your laptop probably would still go head-and-shoulder with someone else's devices in the same or a near-by channel.

Unless you live in a big house with a huge backyard, your network environment will be all very cluttered.

Does Wireless-N Help?

The new Wireless-N standards can utilize both 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz frequency bands.

Despite so, most routers that support Wireless-N still don't support 5GHz, and they are using the same old, cluttered, 2.4GHz. Of course, in a perfectly clean environment, you will still benefit from Wireless-N's wider range and faster data transfer rate. But if your router sits in a noisy 2.4GHz environment, it might not perform as well.

This is why so many users still don't feel much of improvement after having upgraded to a Wireless-N router. Their gaming, P2P downloading, transferring files or streaming media are still slow or jerky, or they stop altogether from time to time.

Sure, the router could be overheating or have a flawed firmware, but more likely, you have a noisy, cluttered wireless environment that keeps interfering your wireless communications. It's like a terrible traffic jam on a Friday afternoon, only every day for your router.

Fortunately, Wireless-N supports 5.0GHz, and it's like a whole new open world, where your wireless devices can escape to.

In Part 2, we will discuss how Wireless N dual band router will help you cut through the interference and gives you much higher throughput and range.

So let's have a break and I'll see you in Part 2.

How a Wireless N Dual Band Router Improves Your Network - Part 1

belkin wireless n router

Clear Wireless Internet Camera Usb Cable Micro B 5-pin

November 13, 2011

Best Gigabit Wireless Router - What You Need to Know

The term the best for wireless router is relative, because manufacturers always ship new product introductions each several months or so which are better performance and by adopting the latest technologies available in the marketplace.

Today, each of the wireless manufacturers has shipped new wireless routers with gigabit LAN and WAN interfaces for their high-performance category products. Now, which one is the best among those gigabit wireless route products?

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

Assume you get the best gigabit wireless router today, the next six months or so come a new product introduction with much better performance and the latest technology, who knows. So, in selecting the best one, you should include the following criteria:

1. High-speed. To provide high speed data throughput - the wireless router should be powered with the latest wireless technology - the ratified version of the 802.11n technology. The draft version of 802.11n was approved last Sep 2009 with some option additions.

2. Clean wireless. 5 GHz is cleaner frequency band compared with 2.4 GHz band since wireless router which operates in 5 GHz frequency band is less noise / interference. So, the best router should support the 802.11a technology which operates in 5 GHz frequency band. The router should support the dual-band technology.

3. Further range. So far, the technology adopted for the wireless devices to deliver longer distance range is the MIMO (Multiple-in Multiple-out) technology combined with wireless N. Some manufacturers do not specifically specify the MIMO technology in their products but they adopt the technology into the products.

4. Consistent data throughput. High-intensive bandwidth applications such as gaming and video streaming demand consistent data throughput for lag-free and jitter-free performance. Your best gigabit wireless router should support the Quality of Services (QoS) technology for multimedia traffic prioritizations.

5. Secure. Mostly all new wireless routers today are powered with the latest security technology including the WPA/WPA2; NAT and SPI firewall; VPN pass-through; and the new feature option is the capability of providing a security boundary for guest access. Typically the router supports the multiple SSID for secure guest access. Guest access is ideal for your SOHO environment where you allow your business visitors access the internet without providing your private network resources.

In selecting the best gigabit wireless router, you should examine that the router support the above criteria for high-performance wireless network.

The following list some of the best gigabit wireless routers - the new product introduction from the leading wireless networking manufacturers:

DIR-665 D-Link Xtreme N450 Gigabit Router

DIR-665 Xtreme N450 is the fastest router introduced by D Link early this year (2010). The router is powered by the new version of 802.11n with 3x3 MIMO technologies (with 3 External Dual Band Antenna) which uses three distinct data streams for extremely high-speed data throughput of up to 450Mbps (in ideal condition). With the addition of advanced Intelligent QoS Prioritization Technology, the router is ideal for smooth streaming video and fast response gaming applications.

DIR-665 is also powered by the HD Fuel technology for high-performance environment for lag-free streaming video and jitter-free online gaming applications. The router also supports the selectable dual-band technology.

DIR-665 also supports advanced security features including dual-firewall (NAT & SPI); WPA/WPA2; IGMP; VPN-pass through; and also parental control. Push Button (for WPS) is also supported for easy secure client connection. It supports Windows 7, Vista, XP SP2, or Mac OS. However, DIR-665 doesn't support guest network access . For home environment, you do not need this feature.

WNDR37AV Wireless Router For Video And Gaming

WNDR37AV is designed for high-performance wireless network for smooth video streaming and online gaming. Unlike DIR-665 which is designed with selectable dual-band, WNDR37AV is designed with simultaneous dual-band for mix environments both in 2.4GHz and 5 GHz at the same time.

The router supports advanced QoS including WMM (Wireless Multimedia) QoS. This router is embedded with USB port with ReadySHARE technology for USB Storage Access. The good thing with this USB port is that it is DLNA compliant.

WNDR37AV supports advanced security features like DIR-665, but it also supports free live parental control and multiple SSID for secure guest access.

Cisco-Linksys E3000 High-Performance Wireless-N Router

Linksys E3000 is one of new Linksys E-Series which is designed for high-performance environment to support smooth online gaming and streaming video. It is powered by 802.11n with simultaneous technology and it is equipped with 6 internal antennas for further range.

E3000 is equipped with USB port to allow you connect USB external storage for centralized file sharing with built-in UPnP AV media server to stream entertainment content. The storage can be shared for accessible across your home network or over the internet.

For security, the router supports common security features like other routers but this router supports secure guest access with Cisco connect software for simple setup steps.

In selecting the best gigabit wireless router, you should consider the router that is powered by the final version of 802.11n (not draft) technology, supports dual-band and MIMO (or other MIMO variant) technologies, QoS, and secure with guest network access (for offices environments).

By Ki Grinsing

Best Gigabit Wireless Router - What You Need to Know

belkin wireless n router

Bed Bugs Shopping

November 8, 2011

Tips on How to Choose the Best Wireless Router For Your Home

When it comes to wireless internet connectivity, we all want to buy the best wireless router. Because the internet is so much a part of our lives nowadays, we would not want to risk internet disconnection just because of an unreliable router.

Your first challenge in buying the best wireless router is sorting through the various brands of networking devices now sold in the market. To find the right one, use the following tips:

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

Tip 1: Do not always go for high-speed routers
High speed is what we are all looking for. However, high speed routers do not guarantee a high speed internet connection. According to router experts, most high speed router models do not even use the average of the speed they promise. Spending extra money on such a model of router might not be ideal. Choose only those with mid-level speed. If your internet connection is fast enough, transmission will be good enough.

Tip 2: Choose the right design and size
Many people are not really particular about the design of the router they are buying. They are mostly particular about the functionality of the router. The size and design of the router you are buying will depend on the space allotted for your router in your room.

Tip 3: Do not just rely on reviews to determine the reliability of the router
There is a mix of positive and negative accountings about the brand of router. The experiences are not the same. Also, some people are very critical about the speed and the transmission of their routers. Some have higher standards. For home use, you don't really need a fussy router. You can just stick to those simpler models. The security of the router can just be configured. So don't let the good and bad reviews decide for you.

Tip 4: Choose between those with external or internal antennas
According to networking experts those products with external antennas deliver stronger signals. There are certain brands of routers with more than one antenna. If you have a large house and you would want to get full signal anywhere in the house, you should choose a router than can deliver stronger signal. Many also prefer buying this with internal antennas. That is because they are less conspicuous compared to its external counterpart. They just use a signal amplifier to increase signal transmission.

Just consider these steps when you are buying so you can choose only the best wireless router for your home.

Tips on How to Choose the Best Wireless Router For Your Home

belkin wireless n router

Green Light Organic Neem Concentrate Bed Bug Alert Active Bed Bug Monitor PC02G CA PestContro Deluxe

November 3, 2011

How to Choose the Best Wireless Gaming Router For Your Home Network?

Playing games alone in home with your game console and large High definition LCD TV is enjoyable. However, there are lots of games that allow you to play game in multiplayer mode. The game era is now changing from standalone to multiplayer mode games. Standalone gaming was in the past. Today you can subscribe XBOX Live to play all of your multiplayer enabled games online. With XBOX Live, you can join into unified online games with anyone, anytime, anywhere. To allow you play online games in home with the gamer's community, you need a secured system in home - a wireless gaming router.

Unlike wired multiplayer gaming where you can connect each of the game consoles via a workgroup switch with some friends, online gaming needs broadband internet connection. And the wireless gaming router is the main device you need to build a secured gaming infrastructure to allow you go live game wirelessly in the comfort of your living room without the clutter of the wires. The question is which one is the best for your online gaming?

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

Wireless routers for online gaming demands high performance and secured network including the speed, reliable connection, low noise or if possible free of signal attenuator, and secured for your internal network.

High Speed Connection

Gaming is a high intensive bandwidth application that demands high-speed either wired or wireless connection. Generally the game consoles are equipped with 100Mbps Ethernet port. For wired connection to your local network, 100Mbps Ethernet port provides reliable high-speed connection. What if you demand wireless connection? You need high-speed wireless technology - the wireless-n (draft) standard. Your wireless gaming router should be powered by this wireless -n technology. Wireless -n is the future of the wireless technology available in the market you can taste today.

Most routers with wireless -n technology also adopt smart wireless antenna MIMO technology. Even though many manufacturers do not specifically label their products with MIMO technology, but they adopt the technology integrated into their own technology such as RangeMax by Netgear and Xtreme n by D-Link.

Combination of wireless -n and MIMO technologies will increase the system performance and longer distance coverage.

Make sure that your wireless gaming router is powered by the draft 802.11n standard and MIMO antenna technology or other integrated technology.

Quality of Services

High intensive bandwidth applications demand high quality services. Your wireless gaming router should support high quality of services (QoS) technology. With QoS, the system can provide prioritization over the game application above other applications such as web browsing and files downloading. Many routers support intelligent QoS technology to allow prioritization both wired and wireless Internet traffic to enable enhanced gaming experience.

DMZ Support

Exposing the computer into the wild internet is vulnerable to the internet threats. Online gaming means exposing the network into the wild internet. A secured system is needed to protect your internal network against any types of internet threats. The best way to protect and separate your internal network from the exposed host can be done by creating a security boundary. DMZ feature is used to create a security boundary for the exposed host. It is therefore, your wireless gaming router should support the DMZ feature.

Dual-band Support

Many wireless routers support dual-band feature that support both 2.4 GHz (for wireless b/g/n standards) and 5 GHz (for wireless -a standards) frequency bands either selectable or simultaneously. The benefit of having dual band is that you can play games (and other HD video streaming media) with 5 GHz frequency band which is less noise than 2.4 GHz band.

We know that there are many sources of signal interference around you using 2.4 GHz frequency band such as cordless phones, microwave oven, automatic garage door, etc that contribute to signal attenuator. It is therefore, the wireless gaming router should support dual-band.

DGL-4500 D-Link

The DGL-4500 D-Link® Xtreme N Wireless Gaming Router is specifically designed for gamers in mind. DGL-4500 contains all the requirements the gamers demand for high performance router for speed, security, and services. It is powered by the award-winning GameFuel™ technology for smoother gaming, and it is also powered by dual-band wireless -n technology. The router is embedded by both Gigabit LAN and WAN ports for faster gaming.

DGL-4500 is powered by the GameFuel Priority technology to allow you customize network setting for game traffic prioritization. DGL-4500 also includes the network activity display to show you what's going on with your router including Internet, LAN, WAN activities, and other various settings all from one screen. The included clock helps you see exactly how long you've spent playing the game.

By Ki Grinsing

How to Choose the Best Wireless Gaming Router For Your Home Network?

belkin wireless n router

Cricket Verdigris Finish Fireplace Crickets Deer Out Gallon Ready Repellent Pic Mosquito Coils 4 Pk DP

November 1, 2011

Advantages of Using a USB Wireless Card

Getting internet connectivity that is both reliable and mobile is now very easy with a USB wireless card. These wireless cards allow an individual to connect to the internet from any computer that has a USB port. The card is simply connected to the port in order to obtain wireless internet service. These cards can be purchased from many electronic retailers and telecommunication carriers and they are affordable when you consider the tremendous service they offer by making internet available anywhere at anytime. There are so many advantages to using a wireless card that can be connected to your computer via a USB port.

One of the advantages of using wireless cards that operate from a USB port is the flexibility. Unlike hardwired internet connections that require the use of cords and cables in order to connect to the internet, wireless cards are more versatile and offer mobility. Even internet connections that are setup for wireless capabilities are bound by a modem and a router. If using a laptop with a router you are limited to how far you can move from the router and the modem in order to receive a quality internet connection. Wireless cards that operate through a USB port are functional anywhere you want to connect to the internet. They can be used both inside and outside the home and they work off of high speed broadband widths so the internet connection is fast. Also, these types of wireless USB cards can be used with any electronic device that has a USB port in order to access the internet. This is very convenient and allows the individual to have internet access at any computer with a USB port.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

An additional advantage of using this type of wireless card is the affordability. Whether you own a laptop, desktop or both some people prefer having the convenience of internet service provided through a wireless card. Since these cards can be inserted in any computer an individual gets more use from this card than with traditional wired internet service. Most of the cellular companies offer internet or data service plans for reasonable prices. For one low monthly payment an individual can access the internet anywhere he/she likes through the use of the wireless card operating through a USB port on any computer. Many times the wireless cards are offered as a free gift to consumers that sign up for one of the internet or data service plans. Since many people already have cellular phone service adding the data service plan to their cellular bills is affordable when you consider that the internet can be used anywhere as opposed to cable or DSL internet service. For many this internet option is just more affordable and convenient.

There are so many different types of USB wireless cards available that there should not be a problem finding a card that suits your needs. Some of these cards are even made with an antenna which can help with obtaining a good internet connection no matter where you. These cards are very useful and are recommended for those that desire internet service on demand.

Advantages of Using a USB Wireless Card

belkin wireless n router

Bug Off Instant Screen 32 Inch Masterline Bifenthrin Insecticide Centipedes Termiticide Bedbug Early Detection System

October 30, 2011

Choose the Green Router For Your Wireless Network and You Care For Better Environments

Why you need green router? With green routers, you can save cash on energy costs, comply with government regulations, and the more important reason is you care for the environment.

Power consumption related to technology including the wireless devices such as routers is rising rapidly. As a consequence, this will also creates a rising in technology pollutes including the increase amounts of electricity, toxic elements in the materials that compose the hardware such as cadmium and mercury. It is therefore, the need of electronic devices with the green logo is very important to help save the power and care the environments.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

Why You Need Green Router?

There are many general reasons why you need green router. With green routers, you pay attention to energy consumption and other recycling hardware which consequently helps you save power and comply with government regulations, and the most important thing is that you care for the environments, help heal the planet, and make it beautiful and clean.

There are many ways for manufacturers to produce green equipments including green router such as:

Producing equipments that require less power than normal by designing the products with less power consumptions such as minimizing power waste and design power-saving features into software, firmware, and hardware. Reducing the amount of toxic waste materials in manufactured products and using more recyclable materials. Unfortunately, the fact is that almost 70 percent of overall toxic waste comes from dumped electronic equipment.There are many green router products available in the marketplace today such as the following:

Airlink101 AR675W 300Mbps Wireless N Green Router

Airlink101 AR675W is designed with the green Ethernet technology to help save more energy. The router is powered by the high performance wireless 802.11n technology for highest wireless data rate of up to 300 Mbps. It includes the two 3dBi antennas to provide wider coverage to eliminate dead spots.

Other features:

Wireless On/Off Switch to reduce power when you don't need wireless network. WPA2, WPA enhanced security provide fully protection for your wireless connection To prioritize the HD media streaming or voice, the router supports Quality of Service (QoS) WMM NAT and SPI feature for your internal network protection against any types of internet threats Supports VPN pass-though for secure remote connection via public internet.TEW-672GR 300Mbps Dual-band Wireless N Gigabit Green Router

TEW-672GR Wireless Gigabit Router is powered by GREENnet technology which is designed to reduce power consumption by up to 70% by reducing power supplied to unused ports, and the use of Energy Star Certified external power adapter that help consumes less power. It is also equipped with the Enable/disable wireless functionality with the WLAN on/off toggle switch to save energy while you are not using the wireless.

Other features:

Powered by the wireless -n dual-band technology and 3 external antennas with smart MIMO antenna technology for the speeds of up to 300 Mbps and longer distance coverage Equipped with 1 Gigabit WAN port which is compatible with most popular cable/DSL Internet service providers using Dynamic/Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP and L2TP. For wired connection, the router is equipped with 4 Gigabit Ethernet Auto-MDIX ports Advanced dual-firewall protection (NAT and SPI) for internal network protection against any threats Access restriction with Internet Access Control; time scheduling, URL and MAC filtering Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) for auto discovery and support for device configuration of Internet applicationsWNDR37AV Wireless N Gigabit Router for Video and Gaming

WNDR37AV is a new powerful wireless n gigabit router for video and gaming which is also designed with Netgear Green technology including Power On/Off Button, 80 percent recycled packaging, Wireless On and Off Button, Cable Length Power Save, and Energy Star etc. WNDR37AV is different with others because it is specifically designed for video and gaming with green technology.

Other features:

ReadySHARE USB Storage Access which supports FAT16/32, NTFS Read/Write, Ext 2 Read/Write, Ext 3 Read/Write Powered by Wireless -n technology with dual-band wireless 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz for twice the bandwidth for better connection and less interference Equipped with 4-port Gigabit Ethernet for high-speed wired connection which is ideal for large HD file transfer You can stream video and music from a USB drive to media players easily with DLNA Media Server feature - no PC required Video Quality of Service, a dedicated video network which allows you stream video on one network, while surfing the InternetIn selecting the wireless router, make sure that you choose the router with Green technology logo including Energy Star, On/Off wireless, recycle materials packaging, and so on. By selecting the wireless router with green technology in mind, you care for better environments, help heal the planet, and make it beautiful and clean.

By Ki Grinsing

Choose the Green Router For Your Wireless Network and You Care For Better Environments

belkin wireless n router

Scotts Roundup 25Gal Groundclear Vegetation Hot Shot 2 Ounce Aerosol

October 28, 2011

Wireless Router With Print Server - Which One Meets Your Need?

One of the advantages of computer networking is the ability to share a single printer with many computers in the network. No more of waiting in a queue to print documents to the printer. Just send the print jobs from your computer in the network, and the print server manages the job queues automatically for you.

Traditionally you share the printer by attaching the printer to your computer via USB port and configure it to be accessible by other users across the network. When the computer turns off, you cannot access the printer. But with the printer attached to the print server, you can access the printer anytime - no need to turn on the computer for sharing.

Belkin Wireless N Router

belkin wireless n router

In home wireless computer networks, the wireless router is the center of your wireless network to allow you share the broadband internet connection. Many types of routers are equipped with USB port for share storage or share printer. Some routers with USB port can only be used for share storage; or can be used either for share storage or share printer. Having a wireless router with USB port for share printer is beneficial, since you don't need to purchase separate print server device. Unless you need a wireless print server, where you can place the printer in anywhere within the house without the clutter of the wires - and you can access it wirelessly.

Whenever you are building a wireless network in home with printer as one of your concern, you should consider the wireless router with print server (USB port) so you don't need to purchase separate print server device. The following are some of wireless routers with print server port which are available in the marketplace.

Trendnet TEW-634GRU Wireless -N Gigabit Router

TEW-634GRU is powered by the 802.11n technology with 4x gigabit LAN Ethernet ports and one 100Mbps WAN port. The router includes one USB port you can use to share USB disk storage such as Flash disk, USB External hard disk, or USB printer. It includes USB Control Center (Storage/Print Server utility) but it can only work with Windows 2000/XP/Vista.

TEW-634GRU is equipped with only one USB port, so you cannot share the printer and storage at the same time. Should you require two USB ports to share disk storage and printer at the same time, consider TEW-673GRU. TEW-673 is the dual-band Wireless -n router with two USB ports.

ASUS RT-N16 Wireless-N Gigabit Router

Unlike Tew-643, Asus Rt-N16 is still powered by draft 802.11n technology. Basically the draft version is not much different with the ratified version 802.11n. The router is equipped with the Gigabit ports for both LAN and WAN ports.This router includes 2 USB ports to allow you share storage and printer at the same time.

The good thing with ASUS RT-N16 is that it includes AiDisk to allow you share the storage everywhere with your friends using the DDNS address such as ftp://

DIR-632 D-Link

DIR-632 is powered by the latest 802.11n technology. Unlike other wireless routers, this router is equipped with 8x 100Mbps ports and one USB port. For small offices, eight wired Ethernet ports is a good choice - twice as much as other home routers with 4x LAN ports. But for you that require fast wired connection for high-intensive bandwidth application, consider other routers with gigabit ports.

The good thing is that the router supports Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP3, or Mac OS X (v10.4).

Belkin New Max Play

Belkin Max Play is powered by dual-band wireless 802.11n with dual-plane antenna and MIMO technology for high performance home coverage. The router includes Torrent Genie app to let you download from Torrent even if your computer is shutdown or asleep. The router includes two USB ports to let you share printer and storage.

Belkin also introduces new Belkin dual-band wireless N600 HD router which includes 2 USB ports to allow you share printer and storage at the same time. This router is ideal for high performance gaming and home theater video streaming.

Wireless Router With Print Server - Which One Meets Your Need?

belkin wireless n router

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